Thursday, 5 July 2012

What's in the products you put on your skin it's shocking really

 Mineral oil is something that you do not want in your skin care or cosmetics. It is the leading cause of skin aging and has been linked to cancer. The reason that many skin care and cosmetic manufacturers choose to use mineral oil despite the danger to our health  is because it is very inexpensive for them to buy, but it has absolutely NO healthy benefit to you.

-Take a look and then have a look at Arbonne-

- What you should be looking for in your skincare and cosmetics is essential oils. Essential oils are 100% absorbed and are healthy to use.-

 Other names for mineral oil Petrolatum Paraffin Clearteck Drakeol Hevyteck Filtrawhite Frigol Kremol Kaydol Albline Nujol Paroleine Saxol Adepsine Glymol Lignite Carnea 21 Ervol Gloria Hydrocarbon oil Adepsine oil Albolene Cable Oil Baby Oil Peneteck Primol Triona B Blandlube Crystosol Molol Protopet Bayol F Crystol 325 Fonoline Bayol 55 Kondremul Neo-cultol Parol PenrecoPerfecta Petrogalar Primol 355 Primol D Tech Pet F Drakeol Lignite Oil Paraffin Mineral Seal Oil White Oil
 When you use too much mineral oil, it  can cause eczematous dermatitis, contact dermatitis, folliculitis, oil acne and melanosis.
 If you ingestion products that contain mineral oil you will prevent the absorption of Vitamin A. If said product is taken for 2 to 3 days, you risk the absorption of water. It is best to look for natural ingredients in any products that you buy.
 You should avoid using cosmetics that are artificially colored. If a shampoo is bright green or blue, it most likely contains a coal tar color
 If a product contain synthetic fragrances – don’t buy it. When you stop using products that are formulated with petrochemicals and other synthetics, you will find that some of your allergies disappear.

 Cosmetic Ingredients that You Should Avoid:

 (Imidazolidinyl Urea and Diazolidinyl Urea — These are the most commonly used preservatives after the parabens. They are well established as a primary cause of contact dermatitis. Two trade names for these chemicals are Germall II and Germall 115. Neither of the Germall chemicals have a good antifungal, and must be combined with other preservatives. Germall 115 releases formaldehyde at just over 10°. These chemicals are toxic.
 Methyl and Propyl and Butyl and Ethyl Paraben — Used as inhibitors of microbial growth and to extend shelf life of products. Widely used even though they are known to be toxic. Have caused many allergic reactions and skin rashes. Methyl paraben combines benzoic acid with the methyl group of chemicals. Highly toxic.
 Petrolatum — Especially lip products. Petrolatum is mineral oil jelly, and mineral oil causes a lot of problems when used on the skin photosensitivity (i.e., promotes sun damage), and it tends to interfere with the body’s own natural moisturizing mechanism, leading to dry skin and chapping. You are being sold a product that creates the very conditions it claims to alleviate. Manufacturers use petrolatum because it is unbelievably cheap.
 Propylene Glycol — Ideally this is a vegetable glycerin mixed with grain alcohol, both of which are natural. Usually it is a synthetic petrochemical mix used as a humectant. Has been known to cause allergic and toxic reactions
. PVP/VA Copolymer – This is a petroleum-derived chemical that is used in hairsprays, hair perms and cosmetics. Consider it to be toxic since particles may lodge in your lungs. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate -  This is a synthetic substance that is used in shampoos for detergent and foam-building. It is a leading cause of eye irritation, skin rashes, hair loss, scalp scurf (similar to dandruff), and many allergic reactions. It is often disguised as “comes from coconut” in so-called natural cosmetics. Stearalkonium Chloride – This is a toxic chemical that is used in hair conditioners and creams. It is a leading cause of allergic reactions. It was originally developed by the fabric industry to use as a fabric softener but is considered to be cheaper and easier to use than proteins and herbals in hair products. Synthetic Colors – Synthetic colors are used to make cosmetics “pretty”.  It is also used in hair dyes. This substance should be avoided at all costs as it is believed to be cancer causing agent. You will find it labeled as FD&C or D&C followed by a color and a number (example: FD&C Red No. 6 / D&C Green No. 6 )
 Synthetic Fragrances – These are manufactured fragrances that are used in cosmetics and may contain as many as 200 ingredients. There is no way to determine what the chemicals are because the labels simply state “fragrance.”  Reactions to synthetic fragrances are headaches, dizziness, rash, hyper-pigmentation, violent coughing, vomiting, and skin irritation .
 Triethanolamine – Another toxic ingredient that is used in cosmetics to adjust the pH. It is also used with fatty acids to convert the acid to salt (stearate) to use as the base for a cleanser.
 TEA is a leading cause of allergic reactions that include eye problems, and hair and skin dryness. Be aware that prolonged use is not recommended.

Its quite scary when you think we put ALL this stuff on our skin nearly every single day and did you realise

This article is very informative :

"The Chemicals Within Us". Fascinating article by National Geographic about how our modern society takes a toll on the human body and how many chemicals are found in there. The skin is our largest organ and chemicals can enter trans-dermal (like a nicotine or birth control patch). They do not get filtered through the organs. We MUST be periodically detoxing our body so these chemicals do not affect our health. We can not remain ignorant or skeptical about this reality - it's not going to go away!

There are so many reason to change the products you use and the sheer Beauty of Arbonne is that not only does it benefit you health and well being BUT you can earn from using the products as well .

So basically I have discovered that this company has enriched my health and wealth


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