Are You Risking Enough In Your Network Marketing/Direct Selling Business?
A mentor once told me, “If you aren’t scared to death at least once a day, you probably aren’t risking enough.”
His statement definitely made an
on me, and inspired me to stretch WAY beyond my comfort zone on more
than one occasion. (This usually meant picking up the phone to make cold
calls, approaching someone who intimidated me, or taking action in my
business in a way that definitely challenged me)!
Not to say you have to create undue stress in your life, but I know with absolute certainty that your ability to create what you want in your network marketing or direct sales business is in direct correlation to how comfortable you are with taking risks.
The people who accomplish great things in life are risk-takers. If you look at history, it’s filled with leaders who had the courage to “push the envelope” and take risks – like exploring unknown territories, taking a stand for human rights, pursuing “insane ideas” or expressing radical, unpopular opinions. And we reap the benefits everyday because of these brave people, and how their actions transformed our world for the better.
There’s a saying you’ve likely heard… “Our deepest fear is not that we’re inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we’re powerful beyond measure.” So let me ask you – do you know WHO you are, really? Are you tapping into your real talents or just scratching the surface?
Bottom line… are you risking enough?
If that’s true for you, perhaps now is the time to take a risk?
This doesn’t mean jumping out of an airplane, throwing your life savings in the stock market, or swimming with sharks – although all can be life changing! Obviously, it’s important to take smart risks (not reckless ones).
I believe the risks that create the biggest changes are sometimes the simplest ones. For example, what if you decided today to:
How could your life or business change as a result? Although these sound like small risks, they take courage. Sometimes the simplest and most subtle changes are the most challenging to make.
Where can you risk more? What action makes you uncomfortable? What’s outside your comfort zone? What decision would scare you to death and totally excite you at the same time ?
The main reason most people don’t take risks is because they’re afraid of failing or not creating the result they want. But there’s more to taking risks than just the end result. The side effects are even more important: taking risks, even small risks, builds character and gives you the opportunity to experience a bigger part of yourself.
People who take risks become bold, confident, and fearless because they’ve touched and experienced their real potential. WHO you are changes the MOMENT you take a risk – that’s the real win. The success and results that eventually come from “risking” are just icing on the cake.
The more risks you take, the bolder you become. Are you risking enough? Only you know the answer, but consider this:
By NOT moving outside your comfort zone, you are actually taking a risk, a different kind of risk. You’ve made a choice to keep your life secure and predictable, but it will also be limited.
You won’t have the opportunity to discover the deepest parts of yourself or experience the confidence and fulfillment that comes with pushing your own envelope. That is perhaps the biggest risk of all
Questions or comments on this topic? I’d LOVE to hear them – please post below and I’ll do my best to respond promptly.
Want to share this article with your team – or use in your own newsletter or website? Please do! Just be sure to include this complete paragraph at the bottom:
Sonia Stringer is a professional speaker, coach and popular mentor to women in the network marketing/direct selling profession. Known as “The Women’s Business Coach,” she is fast becoming the “go to expert” for women who want to build a 6-7 figure business from home. Sonia’s unique approach can help you earn a great income AND set up your business so you have more time (to spend with your family or doing what you love). Visit her website to get your free copy of her popular audio CD, “Six Figure Success Secrets for Network Marketing Women”.
His statement definitely made an
Not to say you have to create undue stress in your life, but I know with absolute certainty that your ability to create what you want in your network marketing or direct sales business is in direct correlation to how comfortable you are with taking risks.
The people who accomplish great things in life are risk-takers. If you look at history, it’s filled with leaders who had the courage to “push the envelope” and take risks – like exploring unknown territories, taking a stand for human rights, pursuing “insane ideas” or expressing radical, unpopular opinions. And we reap the benefits everyday because of these brave people, and how their actions transformed our world for the better.
Risk creates movement and evolution.
It’s the key to unlocking your real potential!
Without risk, you’re doomed to stay in the same place, as the same kind of person, creating the same results.
But if you’re willing to take a risk and step outside your comfort zone
(even a little) you’ll experience some immediate payoffs! What’s the
most immediate benefit you’ll experience by pushing yourself? You get to
find out WHO you really are and what you’re truly capable of.There’s a saying you’ve likely heard… “Our deepest fear is not that we’re inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we’re powerful beyond measure.” So let me ask you – do you know WHO you are, really? Are you tapping into your real talents or just scratching the surface?
Bottom line… are you risking enough?
There’s a theory that your business is a reflection of WHO you are – if it’s not growing, you’re probably not growing.
If that’s true for you, perhaps now is the time to take a risk?This doesn’t mean jumping out of an airplane, throwing your life savings in the stock market, or swimming with sharks – although all can be life changing! Obviously, it’s important to take smart risks (not reckless ones).
I believe the risks that create the biggest changes are sometimes the simplest ones. For example, what if you decided today to:
- Tell the truth, especially when it’s really difficult…
- Pick up the phone and start making calls (you don’t have to do this perfectly, just do it!)
- Be completely honest with people on your team – lovingly “confront them” when they are saying one thing, but doing another
- Be bold enough to ask for what you want – from your spouse, your team, your customers…
- Approach someone on your chicken list (you won’t die if they say no, but your confidence in yourself will grow just by taking this action)
- Share your goals and ask someone to support you in being accountable with your actions…
- Make a commitment to take better care of yourself…
- Stop trying to be “perfect” and start being “real”….
- Want more for yourself than you think you deserve…
- Stop pushing so hard to make things happen, and trust the process more…
- Say NO when you have to, even if it means disappointing someone…
- Give up “selling” and look for opportunities to “serve”…
- Create a bigger vision for your business and believe it can really happen…
- Do one thing today that is outside your comfort zone… then tomorrow, do it again!
- If you’ve poured yourself into your business, but haven’t accomplished what you want – yet… be willing to risk believing! Trust that you can start anew, right now.. and that the past DOES NOT equal the future!
- (I LOVE this list I am going to print it and put it on my wall JJ.Smeiman )
How could your life or business change as a result? Although these sound like small risks, they take courage. Sometimes the simplest and most subtle changes are the most challenging to make.
Where can you risk more? What action makes you uncomfortable? What’s outside your comfort zone? What decision would scare you to death and totally excite you at the same time ?
The main reason most people don’t take risks is because they’re afraid of failing or not creating the result they want. But there’s more to taking risks than just the end result. The side effects are even more important: taking risks, even small risks, builds character and gives you the opportunity to experience a bigger part of yourself.
People who take risks become bold, confident, and fearless because they’ve touched and experienced their real potential. WHO you are changes the MOMENT you take a risk – that’s the real win. The success and results that eventually come from “risking” are just icing on the cake.
The more risks you take, the bolder you become. Are you risking enough? Only you know the answer, but consider this:
By NOT moving outside your comfort zone, you are actually taking a risk, a different kind of risk. You’ve made a choice to keep your life secure and predictable, but it will also be limited.
You won’t have the opportunity to discover the deepest parts of yourself or experience the confidence and fulfillment that comes with pushing your own envelope. That is perhaps the biggest risk of all
Questions or comments on this topic? I’d LOVE to hear them – please post below and I’ll do my best to respond promptly.
Want to share this article with your team – or use in your own newsletter or website? Please do! Just be sure to include this complete paragraph at the bottom:
Sonia Stringer is a professional speaker, coach and popular mentor to women in the network marketing/direct selling profession. Known as “The Women’s Business Coach,” she is fast becoming the “go to expert” for women who want to build a 6-7 figure business from home. Sonia’s unique approach can help you earn a great income AND set up your business so you have more time (to spend with your family or doing what you love). Visit her website to get your free copy of her popular audio CD, “Six Figure Success Secrets for Network Marketing Women”.
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