Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Belief in yourself is the core to your business

I was just reading the other day and came up with a few thoughts -gained from some very insightful websites- I was wondering why some people seems to stick around for long and some people quit.
It seems it comes down to what is essentially the core of your business

 What is the core of your internet Marketing business? Are you constantly building your core? Are you constantly exercising your core? Everything else will change but the core of your business will not. As human being, your core has to be the stronger part of your body. You can have big arms, big legs and wide shoulders, but if your core if not tight and strong, then everything will look awkward. Your stamina in life is directly proportional to how strong and fit your core is. 
 So What is your Internet Network Marketing Business Core? 
Your internet Network marketing core can be divided into two part. 

 Your first Internet Network Marketing Business core is your Belief System.
  • How much do you really believe in this industry?
  •  Do you really believe deep down that you can make money on the internet land? 
  •  How much do you really believe that the common 9-5 life style is not for you?
  •  How much do you really believe that you are totally free from the rat race?  
  • How much do you belief in your ability to market and ability to sell that concept?
  •  How much do you believe in your ability to influence others? 
  • How much do you belief in your own story to motivate others to take action?
-This is all about your belief system. Your belief system has nothing to do with your current situation. It is not so much about where you are now. Your belief system is about where you KNOW FOR A FACT that you are going in the nearest future. -

 This is all about YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM.
How much do you belief in the Network Marketing company that you are promoting?
 How much do you believe in the affiliate system that you are recommending to your prospects?
 How much do you believe in your skills to do something? ( I don’t care who you are, there is a skill in you that comes naturally that you simply can turn around and monetize). But Do you believe in yourself?  
The is the crucial part; You cannot fake your belief system. It will show in your face. It will show in your tone of voice when talking to your prospects. It will show in your emails.. It will show in the way you walk. To make money in your Internet Network Marketing business or any other business for that matter, you have to constantly work on your belief system.

There Is One Simple Way to Do This


  • .Read Books/listen to Audio books
  •  Attend Events
  •  Attend Webinars 
  • Surround yourself with Like minded folks both online and offline 

 Everything we do is against the norm. if you don’t constantly and daily empower yourself against the forces out there, you will simply fall off like 97% of people will.

The Second Core of your business is Traffic. This is the technical Core.

- and one I am learning as I go -

 If you open a store, you must find ways to get prospects or potential customers there. If you start a McDonalds franchise or open aa shop, you must constantly work on ways to get people into the business. The same principles applies for your internet Network Marketing business. You must figure out ways to drive traffic to your opt-in page where you will collect leads and sell whatever you want to your list. The internet land is constantly changing. There was a time when everyone was on Google.. There was also Facebook  but these days, Facebook are also shutting down many pages and it would appear changing its advertising system. I have read on many sites about the ways to get traffic through your sites . When it comes to traffic, the secret is constant knowledge and implementation. You must invest in your education and be familiar with all the traffic methods that you can and most importantly, implement. As you are acquiring these different traffic knowledge, implement them and learn by testing.

 In conclusion, the cores of your business is your belief system and traffic. You must constantly work on both of them. Your focus on both of them should not be diminished. If you want to be in business for long regardless of the inevitable ups and downs and constant changes that is happening, you must constantly be the best in generating traffic and constantly work on your belief.

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