This is the way this business works and its the LAW OF ATTRACTION that makes it work so well, the business model is simple all you really have to do is want it.
Last April, after being on the road doing my job, I came home to my husband and said, “I don’t want to be on the road anymore. I want to work differently. I want more time with you, our family and friends and I want to be paid what I’m worth!” My present job has “residual” payments attached. That’s what makes it so attractive. I get paid long after the job has ended. I love the power of residual money! If I could find a way to replace that I could stay home. I said to my husband, “I wish I could find another way to make residual income”. He said dryly, “Good luck!”
I went to my computer that night and there was an email from a site I helped found many years ago
where women share the best of the best (plumbers, contractors, electricians etc.) The subject line read, “Are you looking for residual income in the nooks and crannies of your life?” LOL!! Okay, with a tag line like that you have to wonder, “Is someone listening?” So, I wrote back to this woman, Linda, and said I was interested but I couldn’t attend her meeting in Los Angeles because I live in New York. She wrote back, “Can u SKYPE?”
where women share the best of the best (plumbers, contractors, electricians etc.) The subject line read, “Are you looking for residual income in the nooks and crannies of your life?” LOL!! Okay, with a tag line like that you have to wonder, “Is someone listening?” So, I wrote back to this woman, Linda, and said I was interested but I couldn’t attend her meeting in Los Angeles because I live in New York. She wrote back, “Can u SKYPE?”
Linda is a television producer. She found out about Arbonne from several people in the television and music industry who also have Arbonne businesses. She shared a presentation. When she got to the part about the quality of the products all my red flags went up. Silently I thought, “Products? Oh
no, I can’t be going door to door selling products!” She finished and said, “So, what do think?” “Well, Linda, thank you so much for taking the time to explain Arbonne, but the product thing
doesn’t work for me.” She calmly said, “Would you be willing to go to a live meeting in New York City and listen to several other people tell their story? See what’s really going on? And ask yourself,
if you keep doing what you’re doing where will you be in five years?” What a question! I knew exactly where I’d be so I drove to New York City.
doesn’t work for me.” She calmly said, “Would you be willing to go to a live meeting in New York City and listen to several other people tell their story? See what’s really going on? And ask yourself,
if you keep doing what you’re doing where will you be in five years?” What a question! I knew exactly where I’d be so I drove to New York City.
The meeting was in a beautiful loft space on Park Avenue. Forty or so people, varying ages, men and women, mostly in suits coming from jobs. There were five speakers. The first, a well known network television news broadcaster, then a Vice President for Bank of America, then a pediatrician, then a modern dancer with several of Pilates studios in the city, and finally a young mother with a high school education who had her own cleaning business in New Jersey (her husband operates a tugboat in New York harbor). Before the final girl started to tell her story, the newscaster said,
“Just so you know, she makes more than the four of us put together and her husband took early retirement.” In that moment I decided to get over myself and put my Masters degree to bed! I
wanted to know how that young woman with so little education was making so much income. It was during her story I began to understand that the Arbonne Opportunity has been around for more than
thirty years. They are known for their ultra premium botanical products. People make money by “redirecting” the money they are already spending on household consumables and by telling others. That’s it. That’s all I have to do. I redirect what I am already spending and tell others to do the same and Arbonne sends me lovely checks every month.
wanted to know how that young woman with so little education was making so much income. It was during her story I began to understand that the Arbonne Opportunity has been around for more than
thirty years. They are known for their ultra premium botanical products. People make money by “redirecting” the money they are already spending on household consumables and by telling others. That’s it. That’s all I have to do. I redirect what I am already spending and tell others to do the same and Arbonne sends me lovely checks every month.
If you want to know more about how to Arbonne, contact me I love to share the opportunity.
If you want to find out more about this opportunity just take a look at my website
or email me at
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loving living earning