Wednesday, 23 January 2013

for anyone going into MLM or similar this is a must read

From ATTRACT MARKETING :  the Secret
Attraction marketing is a simple theory that is so effective for home based entrepreneurs. The concept behind it is quite simple. That is, before jumping to promote the business opportunity or the network marketing company or the program for that matter, one should try and promote and brand you, Inc.

These days, attracting people who relate or resonate to the likenesses of a home based entrepreneur are made much easier by personally branding himself with the help of  social media’s such as the Facebook, twitter, email marketing or one’s blog thus helping them to build their lists of contacts and share their business opportunities, in contrast to the earlier methods where the program was advertised to strangers, they then directing them to a corporate managed replicated website and hoping that a sale would be generated.

Success is more permanent when you achieve it without destroying your principles. –Walter Cronkite
1) Being yourselves and the value you share with others are factors that make you attractive to other aspiring entrepreneurs. These are achieved by consistently learning and having some valuable skills to share. Also being well informed in areas of personal growth, business, internet marketing etc helps the cause. Helping others to grow by imparting the information and directing them to useful systems brings out the true leader in you.
2) Lead Capture page is something that makes marketing another attractive prospect. In other words, providing a simple one page website which includes free information, video tutorials, ebooks etc and also sharing the owner’s contact information such as the email, phone number, name etc to make others aware of who you are and what you want to market.
3) Autoresponder An email service that enables you to set up a campaign and target it to people by providing valuable details that educate them, and also helps you to invite or either sell your product. It’s just like generating an auto pilot for you. The campaigning content should have all that the targeted audience need to know of the service.
4) Bio Page - Now this is a basic thing which helps other people to get to know more about you. It should be understood that basically people join people and not the products or the services. It’s through you, others get to know the program. Various social media’s such as Facebook, blogs or either posting related videos on you tube are a great way to build a relation with the prospects.
5) The Funded proposal is another great tool for attraction marketing. It can be said as a form of training or course program which you pay for small price by way of which your business could earn some cash and at the same time educating the masses. It could also be stated as an art of offering a low priced information product that is targeted to your niche and provides value to the prospects.
6) Primary business opportunity or product/ service: This is something where the long term money is at stake. They are available in various price points which provides the high margin commissions, recurring income, passive income etc. Your list could be further monetized by building either one or more of those valuable products.
7) Affiliate Marketing:  This is where, you can offer the additional valuable products and services in your target niche by some simple email reviews or recommendations to your list. Low priced info products, high priced seminars, courses etc are few of the attributes of this affiliate marketing.
The above said are some of the productive tools required for attraction marketing.  The mechanics and the sources regarding this varies but are simple. Particularly when it comes to home based businesses or network marketing, these facts are truly simple provided they are applied in the right manner.
The thing is quite simple. You take a simple message and communicating it with the masses. You and your sales will reach its heights if  your marketing is more targeted by increasing your sales cycle.

“Would you like to learn how to use the internet to earn money from home”?  People could answer either yes or no! If the answer is yes, you could take them to the lead capture page which offers them the free information in a step by step format of how to use the internet to make money at home.
Now how could you share that message:-

1) Paid Target Advertising:  There are several methods that are fast enough, enabling you to share the message. One such productive form is the Paid Target Advertising. People who are on the look out for this kind of information will be always attracted to advertising related to this matter. There are various sources of effective advertising. Google adwords, Ezine marketing, pay per click marketing etc are some of the most productive ones. Banner advertising, classified ads, magazine ads etc are also quite effective.
2) Free Marketing:  Marketing could be brought to its heights using the social media. With almost all the people using these media’s such as Facebook, twitter, blogs etc these days, marketing becomes much more easier and effective as they help to find, connect and build relationships with the people thus creating a targeted list of people to be invited to read your message.
Search engine optimization(SEO) is another great marketing tool. Publishing the content using the relevant keywords in blogs or in articles enables to place your content in areas where people are constantly seeking information. Similarly typing in the appropriate keywords in the search engines could help find your content quick as well.

Using these very effective promotional methods, the best possible results are guaranteed, also providing consistent target flow to your content. As a result when your content gets more and more attention from the public, they eventually would want to know more about you and your promotional items, which then leads then to your social media pages.

Next, the people need to be invited to your system or sales marketing. For this, your lead capture page has to be made use of . After being educated on the system from the sources and tutorials on that page, the interested prospects are directed to your sales.
Eventually people join in your system and they begin to develop or put together their own attraction marketing system and build the list in the same way as you did. Thus the Attraction Marketing system is very powerful which can be used to build any kind of home based or small business by making effective use of the social media. Internet marketing and direct response marketing principles. 

Looking into the benefiits of fresh fruits and chanced upon this littlegem

Natures MAGIC The Kiwi

. Kiwi packs more Vitamin C per ounce than almost all of the other fruits. Vitamin C is essential for collagen production, which helps keep skin firm

The kiwifruit, often shortened to kiwi in many parts of the world, is the edible berry of a woody vine in the genus Actinidia.


The most common cultivar group of kiwifruit ('Hayward') is oval, about the size of a large hen's egg (5–8 centimetres (2.0–3.1 in) in length and 4.5–5.5 centimetres (1.8–2.2 in) in diameter). It has a fibrous, dull greenish-brown skin and bright green or golden flesh with rows of tiny, black, edible seeds. The fruit has a soft texture and a sweet but unique flavor, and today is a commercial crop in several countries, such as New Zealand, Italy, Chile, Greece and France.

 Kiwi, while delicious, is also beneficial as an ingredient in skin cleansers. With high Vitamin C content, the kiwi acts as a gentle exfoliant and skin nourisher. And the fruit acids in kiwi are exactly the substances contained in high-priced cleansers for all types of skin. Kiwi juice and pulp help refine the skin texture, while also moisturizing

This is a fantastic and very effective and cost efficient face mask  quick and easy to make:

      Place five large strawberries in a blender or small food processor. Strawberries are rich in alpha-hydroxy acid, which gently cleans the skin, reduces acne and eliminates an only shine. Strawberries can also help to eliminate dark circles from under the eyes. 
      Peel one kiwi and place it in the blender or food processor. The seeds of kiwi fruit will help to gently exfoliate the skin, leaving your face smooth and soft. Kiwi, like strawberry, is also full of alpha-hydroxy acid, which can help reduce oil, prevent blackheads and balance your complexion. 
       Add one half of a peeled cucumber to the food processor or blender. You may want to save two thin slices of cucumber to place over your eyes during your facial, as cucumbers can help to reduce circles under the eyes. Cucumbers contain the same pH as your skin, so they can clean, nourish and hydrate your skin without stripping it of its natural protective acid layers.
       Blend the ingredients well and begin to add 1 tsp. of sea kelp at a time until the kiwi face mask reaches a creamy paste-like consistency. Kelp is a natural "vegetable" of the sea and protects and restores damaged skin cells. Kelp is a gentle moisturizer that also reduces sebum production, meaning it will prevent acne and both prevent and reduce wrinkles.
      Wash your face with warm water and pat dry. Apply the kiwi face mask to your neck and face with gentle massaging motion to exfoliate your skin. Allow the facial to set for five to 10 minutes before rinsing with cool water and patting dry.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Scary when you think of the trust we put in some companies ...

Saturday, 19 January 2013

“Watch your thoughts ~ they become words
Watch your words ~ they become actions
Watch your actions ~ they become habits
Watch your habits ~ they become character
wath your character ~ it becomes your destiny”
Frank Outlaw

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Long day working out at the gym and feeling pretty good ....home to work on my blog and am having to re  evaluate  and re vamp. -,   Still working with the same company and loving the products,  and as you all know by now my most favourite the sea salt spa.   So I took the time to soak in a the sea inspired salts and reflect on where I go from here.   Watch this space as of the 21st there will be plenty more for all to hear ....... For tonight I am going to sink into the sea salt spa water and sip on my protein shake - whey protein OF COURSE -  ......

so here's to the future

Friday, 11 January 2013


Living a healthier tomorrow takes better choices today.
 Small daily steps can make the biggest difference in your health. 
Detoxification, nutrition or healthy living —
 these botanically based solutions encourage an overall sense of
 well-being and help to support everyday lifestyles at any stage.


the way to health and well-being with
SeaSource Detox Spa, a personal care purification
program created for detoxification, restoration and
total renewal. Seawater and sea plant life work
cells, helping to cleanse, purify and withdraw toxins
from the body. These personal care products
stimulate, strengthen and support to help the mind
and body function optimally.

SeaSource Detox Spa products complement a high quality skin care regimen.
 Use them with RE9 Advanced FC5  to boost the benefits of these skin care products.



Tuesday, 8 January 2013 Smeiman: Love how the people in this business think

Love how the people in this business think

This is the way this business works and its the LAW OF ATTRACTION that makes it work so well,  the business model is simple all you really have to do is want it. 

Last  April, after being on the road doing my job, I came home to my husband and said, “I don’t want to be on the road anymore. I want to work differently.  I want more time with you, our family and friends and I want to be paid what I’m worth!”  My present job has “residual” payments attached. That’s what makes it so attractive.  I get paid long after the job has ended.  I love the power of residual money! If I could find a way to replace that I could stay home.  I said to my husband, “I wish I could find another way to make residual income”.  He said dryly, “Good luck!”

I went to my computer that night and there was an email from a site I helped found many years ago 
where women share the best of the best (plumbers, contractors, electricians etc.) The subject line read, “Are you looking for residual income in the nooks and crannies of your life?”  LOL!!  Okay, with a tag line like that you have to wonder, “Is someone listening?” So, I wrote back to this woman, Linda, and said I was interested but I couldn’t attend her meeting in Los Angeles because I live in New York.  She wrote back, “Can u SKYPE?” 

Linda is a television producer.  She found out about Arbonne from several people in the television and music industry who also have Arbonne businesses.  She shared a presentation.  When she got to the part about the quality of the products all my red flags went up. Silently I thought, “Products?  Oh 
no, I can’t be going door to door selling products!”  She finished and said, “So, what do think?” “Well, Linda, thank you so much for taking the time to explain Arbonne, but the product thing 
doesn’t work for me.” She calmly said, “Would you be willing to go to a live meeting in New York City and listen to several other people tell their story? See what’s really going on? And ask yourself, 
if you keep doing what you’re doing where will you be in five years?” What a question! I knew exactly where I’d be so I drove to New York City.

The meeting was in a beautiful loft space on Park Avenue.  Forty or so people, varying ages, men and women, mostly in suits coming from jobs.  There were five speakers.  The first, a well known network television news broadcaster, then a Vice President for Bank of America, then a pediatrician, then a modern dancer with several of Pilates studios in the city, and finally a young mother with a high school education who had her own cleaning business in New Jersey (her husband operates a tugboat in New York harbor). Before the final girl started to tell her story, the newscaster said, 
“Just so you know, she makes more than the four of us put together and her husband took early retirement.”  In that moment I decided to get over myself and put my Masters degree to bed!  I 
wanted to know how that young woman with so little education was making so much income. It was during her story I began to understand that the Arbonne Opportunity has been around for more than 
thirty years.  They are known for their ultra premium botanical products. People make money by “redirecting” the money they are already spending on household consumables and by telling others.  That’s it.  That’s all I have to do.  I redirect what I am already spending and tell others to do the same and Arbonne sends me lovely checks every month.

If you want to know more about how to Arbonne, contact me I love to share the opportunity.

If you want to find out more about this opportunity just take a look at my website
or email me at 

Monday, 7 January 2013

You will make some mistakes, but if you learn from those mistakes, those mistakes will become wisdom and wisdom is essential to becoming richer/RobertKiyosaki

Never a truer word has been written anyone involved in MLM on any level will know this to be true ...... But we live and learn and grow stronger and from that growth our business of choice will grow stronger too,    So here is to 2013 may we all grow and learn ....

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An independent laboratory tested RE9 Advanced against the toughest competition:
The #1 department store brand The leading MLM brand
NutriMinC® RE9
RE9 Advanced Extra Moisture Restorative Day Crème SPF 20, Intensive Renewal Serum and Corrective Eye Crème all beat the #1 department store brand, leading MLM brand and NutriMinC in helping to provide a healthy, younger looking complexion! These are truly ground breaking results.
What is a healthy, younger looking complexion?
It’s a composite score of overall skin appearance directly related to the level of hydration or moisture content in the skin*, measured by:
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Extra Moisture Restorative Day Crème SPF 20
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#1 in the look of skin firmness improvement in four weeks #1 in improving the look of a healthy, younger looking complexion in four weeks 96% of subjects agree that the product provides immediate moisturisation
Intensive Renewal Serum
#1 in the look of skin firmness improvement in four weeks #1 in improving the look of a healthy, younger looking complexion in four weeks
Corrective Eye Creme
#1 in improving the look of a healthy, younger looking complexion in four weeks #1 in skin elasticity improvement in four weeks
At four weeks.* Baseline At four weeks.*
Skin firmness and elasticity are measured by Cutometer® MPA 580. Complexion statements and photos are from ClarityTM Pro R&D Image Analysis.