Tuesday, 15 May 2012

After a long day in the corporate world

There is nothing better than a sea salt spa and here,s one just waiting for a work weary body ......in the last few weeks since starting with Arbonne I have done this a few times it's good for body and soul and make you feel very pampered.....Here,s what you do Seawater is full of life and is extremely therapeutic. Submerge yourself in the rare treasures of the sea in a warm bath filled with relaxing, invigorating and strengthening sea minerals that help purify and nurture the skin. Then after about ten minutes give yourself an all over body scrub with The foaming Sea salt scrub ....This gentle body buffer lathers into a rich foam as it gently exfoliates the skin's surface, helping to increase microcirculation and stimulating skin to promote a healthy-looking radiance, without disturbing skin's essential balanc By now you will be feeling the gentle therapeutic effect Get out and before drying finish off with the 5-in-1 Essential Massage Oil.Experience deep relaxation with this enriched, oil-infused formula with ingredients that help soothe skin and deliver nourishing minerals. The 5-in-1 formula preps skin for further spa treatments and can be used for body massage, facial massage, as a bath oil soak, as a purifying facial steam bath, and for aromatherapy. It's just the most amazing feeling to find all these and more visit my website at http://yoursnaturally.MyArbonne.co.uk/ What makes this even better is I get paid for using these products pretty clever huh .....

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