Sunday, 21 April 2013

coconut oil

Sorting through fact and fiction when it comes to weight loss is a tough order, especially when fad diets spring to life and wither away all in the same season. So is coconut oil  a diet fad or a bonafide health food?
 Experts like Dr. Bruce Fife and Dr. Mary Enig speak volumes about the merits of coconut oil–quite literally. - Fife wrote an excellent book called The Coconut Oil Miracle, and Enig was a co-writer of another great book, Eat Fat, Lose Fat–which also emphasizes the benefits of coconut oil.
Energy Efficiency Grants and Getting the Coconut : Sustainable Chicago

More Than Just a Fad

Coconut oil didn’t spring to life in the last few years, although it may seuem that way. The truth is that coconut has been a healing superfood for centuries in tropical cultures. These people value coconut for its tremendous medicinal power–and they are remarkably healthy as a result.

Even in Western society, coconut oil was widely popular until the middle of the 20th century, when coconut oil’s reputation took a bashing from researchers who examined the health impact of hydrogenated coconut oil–basically the evil twin of the real thing. But thanks to experts who are willing to give a genuine look into coconut oil’s benefits, we now can be assured that this oil is a genuine health food.

So how can coconut oil help you lose weight?

#1 Get a Metabolism Boost

With all the dangers associated with thermogenic stimulants, it’s no wonder a growing number of people shy away from them. This leaves us to wonder if there is a way to boost the metabolism naturally without resorting to popping pills full of chemicals and caffeine. The secret to a healthy metabolism and a wealth of energy is no fad stimulant: it’s pure extra virgin coconut oil.

Coconut oil is one of nature’s most abundant sources of medium-chain fatty acids, and these nifty little triglycerides can work wonders for a sluggish metabolism. In a study that looked at the effect of medium-chain fatty acids on metabolism, it was found that these fats could increase the metabolic rate by up to 48 percent and for up to 24 hours. In obese individuals, the increase was as high as an astounding 65 percent! If your metabolism has been damaged by dieting or stress, a daily dose of coconut oil can do wonders for getting it back on the right track.

Long-chain fatty acids, like those in polyunsaturated oils, are more difficult for the body to break down and use for energy. Instead, long-chain fatty acids are usually stored as fat in the body A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that medium-chain fatty acids were three times more effective at raising the metabolism than long-chain fatty acids. Researchers concluded that replacing long-chain fatty acids with medium-chain fatty acids was an effective method for weight loss. Another study from the same journal again showed that eating medium-chain fatty acids increases metabolism and also helps burn off stored fat. You can read more about this in The Coconut Oil Miracle.

#2 Balance Your Blood Sugar

The profound effect coconut oil seems to have on the metabolism extends to insulin function as well. This may have to do with the fact that the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil can be easily burned for energy, but without causing insulin to shoot sky high the way a bunch of sugar would. Including coconut oil before or during a meal also lowers the glycemic impact of what you’re eating, which prevents those dreaded blood sugar highs and lows.

#3 Cure Candida and Yeast Overgrowth

The beneficial fatty acids in coconut oil do more than speed up a lagging metabolism. Lauric acid and caprylic acid in coconut oil also protect against one of the top hidden causes behind weight gain: candida and yeast. When an overgrowth of candida is present, weight loss can be almost impossible. Candida causes symptoms like fatigue, poor concentration, recurring infections related to yeast, excessive sinus infections, and much more. But the side effect that really hinders weight loss is cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. This is because yeast feeds off sugar (carbohydrates break down into sugar once in the body), so candida causes cravings in order to support its own growth.

Taking coconut oil to counteract yeast overgrowth is highly effective, but it should be done with care. Coconut oil is such a powerful remedy for candida that it can cause strong side effects of headaches, chills, and foggy thinking as the yeast dies off. This can be reduced by slowly incorporating coconut oil into your diet, starting with as little as one teaspoon daily.
Where do I buy coconut oil?

Today quality coconut oil can be found almost anywhere. Even my local sainsburies carries a few varieties (though not always quality brands). You’ll find the best deals online, though, especially if you’re willing to buy in bulk. Many online health food and supplement companies carry several brands of coconut oil to choose from. Again, the bigger you buy, the more you’ll save. 

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Your respiratory system consists of your trachea, throat, lungs and nose. Its main function is to expel old air and inhale fresh oxygen into your lungs. Harmful substances such as tobacco smoke and germs can reduce oxygen content in your lungs and damage your airways. Adjusting your diet to include lung-friendly foods can promote optimal respiratory health.


Injury to your lungs due to smoking or pollution exposure can increase lung inflammation. Chronic lung inflammation can impair healing and lung functions. According to a 2005 clinical study conducted by Policlinico Universitario, green tea contains properties that can reduce lung inflammation. The study found that giving green tea to laboratory rats with damaged lungs drastically decreased inflammation and promoted healing. Green tea contain catechins, a class of powerful antioxidants.


Consuming vitamin A enables your body to defend itself against bacteria, toxins and other infection-causing pathogens, according to "Prescription for Nutritional Healing." If left untreated, these harmful agents can lead to dangerous infections, pneumonia and other respiratory problems. Carrots contain substantial amounts of vitamin A.


Eating omega-3-rich fish reduces asthma severity and incidence in children and adults, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids, these nutrients help reduce inflammation in your body. Sources of omega-3 acids include tuna, mackerel, lake trout, salmon, herring, sardines, flaxseed oil, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, almonds and peanuts.


According to the "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," consuming a diet rich in vitamin C nutrients can significantly increase lung functions. Vitamin C is an ascorbic acid that acts an antioxidant to protect your lungs and body from free radicals that cause infection and chronic disease. Sources of vitamin C include blueberries, tomatoes, mangoes, limes, fortified cereals and baked potatoes.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Alpha 1 a short description

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency also known as Alpha-1, A1AD or AATD is an inherited, genetic condition that is passed on from generation to generation. As the name suggests it is a deficiency of alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) in the bloodstream. AAT is an enzyme (sometimes called a protein) produced in the liver to help protect the tissues of the body during infections. The low level of AAT in the blood occurs because the AAT is abnormal and cannot be released from the liver at the normal rate. This leads to a build up of abnormal AAT in the liver that can cause liver disease and a decrease of AAT in the blood that can lead to lung disease.
So my life has taken quite an a out turn in the last few weeks.  The best laid plans have been shaken to the core,  and I have some serious thinking to do on what the future holds.  My health has taken a knock but that for another day.  My son was hospilized for a numb thorax and when it wouldn't heal he was sent for emergency surgery.  I have to say a huge Thankyou to St George's NHS Trust who did an amazing job and were so caring at every step.   Following surgery my incredibly healthy vibrant 25 year old has been diagnosed with 
emphysema  and its a curve ball we are still struggling to understand.

So the next few days will be filled with research and looking for answers but for today we are simply dusting
 ourselves off and trying to understand it all.   Today it still seems very unreal,  it can't be us it can't be him
The diagnoses does not make sense it doesn't happen to young kids like him,  not my son ect ect all going
 round in my head like a washing machine and one avens knows how it feels for him.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

JJ Smeiman: The law of attraction means staying positive

JJ Smeiman: The law of attraction means staying positive

The law of attraction means staying positive

Staying  positive, no matter the situation - and believe me I have been in many where I had to actively do this - can never be underestimated. We are all here for a limited period of time, is it worth it to spend any of that time in a dismal mood? Being negative?

The true test of an individual to remain positive is when challenges become difficult. Remaining positive keeps one’s mind in the right state of balance and often opens resolutions to the problems at hand. Negativity is contagious; not only does it affect the individual, but it spreads to anyone they interact with. When only the negative perspective is in focus, the resolution process is impeded.

Eliminating negativity, or rather, being positive is a mindset that can be found at any moment, and turned into a habit. Here are some tips that can help you in shifting your mindset:

Shift Your Thoughts – Be conscious of your thoughts. Especially, when life just isn’t going your way. The moment you see that you are diving into frustration, agony, sorrow and low self-esteem – shift your thoughts, by thinking about something completely unrelated. This breaks the pattern of self-pity, mind-created stories, and negative downward spiral. What makes us different from other mammals is our ability to control our thoughts and think for ourselves.

Find the Lesson – There is a lesson to be learned from every situation. No matter how unfortunate the situation may appear, recognize the beautiful lessons waiting to be discovered. Sometimes lessons are expensive, but every problem is a learning opportunity in disguise. You may have made a mistake, but now you can accept it and continue, knowing that you will make a different decision in the future. Understand this and be appreciative for the experience.

Attitude of Gratitude – You cannot be both angry and grateful at the same time. Start counting the blessings and miracles in your life, start looking for them and you shall find more. What’s there not to be grateful? You are alive and breathing! Realize how lucky you are and all the abundance in your life.

Positive Affirmations & Visualization – Practice seeing yourself in a positive and confident light. Do this whenever you have a few minutes (examples; Waiting for a friend, sitting on the bus, riding an elevator.) Self-affirmations (list of positive statements about yourself and your self image) are another simple and powerful tool to train your subconscious to see yourself in a positive light. This is important, as many of us can be so hard on ourselves though social conditioning. I am guilty of being extra tough on myself, but have learned over time to recognize my gifts rather than finding false and self-imposed inadequacies.

Inventory of Memories – Keep an inventory of memories that can immediately make you smile. Occasions where you felt happy, appreciative and cheerful. When you were at peace with the world. Whenever you are in a negative frame of mind, consciously and deliberately pick up any leaf out of this inventory and dwell on it. Reminiscing those happy moments gives a balanced perspective to your situation. You realize that what appears negative today will change tomorrow. Nothing stays the same.

Criticizing Detox Diet – Change your approach and attitude. See if you can stop criticizing others and situations. Our cultural conditioning teaches us to find flaws and problems at all times. Shift from fault-finding to appreciation-finding.
Whether you are positive or negative, the situation does not change. So, we mind as well be positive.

As with any habit, the habit of remaining positive in all situations takes practice and a commitment to yourself to take control. But start small, start paying attention to your emotions, start by wanting to change. I am working on this constantly, and I am here with you, working towards better understanding of my emotions and becoming a better person. Keep going at it, and you will gradually become a positive energy source for the others around you! Wouldn’t that be empowering?

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Lose those sugar cravings

One of the most harmful products we use everyday is sugar,  I know for me that chocolate is my downfall,   So I was interested to find out about herbs that help beat these cravings.
So with everything going on I am now on a mission to lose some belly fat in time for my daughter wedding in August.  I will be writing about the wedding and have some wonderful website to share as well.

With any addiction, the body becomes dependent on a substance, craving it even when though it may be harmful. Sugar addiction is no different. While limiting sugar intake as much as possible is a critical part of the process of breaking the sugar habit, there are herbs and supplements that can also help.


One of the best herbs to help get sugar cravings under control is gymnema sylvestre. Gymnema is an Ayurvedic herb used traditionally to treat diabetes, digestion, urinary tract problems, obesity and hypoglycemia. It is unique in that it actually helps block the taste of sugar and its absorption by the body. One study, published in 2007 in the "Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition," notes there is a link between the taste buds and the absorption of sugar in the intestines. Gymnemic acid, found in gymnema, has a molecular structure similar to sugar. These molecules fill in the receptors on the taste buds temporarily, preventing the taste buds from being activated by the sugar eaten. It can be found in capsule form or as a liquid extract.


Licorice is used in both cooking and herbal medicine. It is a versatile herb used to treat a variety of conditions, including: hypoglycemia, cough, colds, viral infections, inflammation, ulcers, female complaints, and to increase energy. It stimulates adrenal glands and supports the endocrine system. It is naturally sweet, and can satisfy sugar cravings. However, it does not raise blood sugar levels the same as table sugar. It can be found in powder form or liquid extract, and can be added to teas, or used as a sugar substitute.


Stevia is an herb from South America. It is used by herbalists specifically to treat diabetes, and helps lower blood sugar levels. It is extremely sweet and can be used as a sugar substitute to help decrease overall sugar consumption, and satisfy sugar cravings. It can be used in recipes and added to teas, yogurt and cereal. Unlike many sugar substitutes, stevia does not lose its sweetness when used in cooking.


Ginseng root, or panax ginseng, is an Asian herb used to increase energy levels. It is a central nervous system stimulant, and also helps to lower blood sugar levels. Additionally, it can be used to help overcome sugar addictions. However, it does take time for the herb to take effect, as much as two to three months. According to the Herb Guide, a typical dose of ginseng powder is 4,000 to 6,000 mg per day, taken in capsule form.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Okay life is taking a whole new turn and my focus has become slightly more introspective,  although I will continue working within the health and wellness business and certainly within the MLM realm, things are slightly more demanding on a personal level and hence my having to take a step back.

There is no doubt my family will bounce back from this dilemma and the principals of the law of attraction are being fully utilised.   I have survived divorce and brought up three wonderful children on my own,  I survived the loss of my mother which brought with it a breakdown and i have fought and won the battle against cancer,  this latest battle will be won but its on very unknown territory,   My eldest son has been diagnosed with Alpha-1 antitripsen deficiency,  which until three weeks ago I had never heard of.   I have been devouring every article I can find on it.   Now I would like to hear from anyone who has or has heard of this syndrome.   So that's as far as I have got as yet,   And will let you know how our journey progresses from here on.